What is a dwelling but an empty vessel to protect from the surrounding elements, while correspondingly providing an anchor which holds its inhabitants within natural environments. This necessary irony is an essential part of human existence. Yet, when one envisions the relationship with habitat and habitation, is it rooted in reality or an illusion of symbiosis with an underlying combative friction within the dualism, wherein both elements are pulling away through an act of avoidance?
I believe as humans what we desire most is a genuine interaction and complete understanding from what we choose to interact with. As we progress through an interpreted reality, we become more persistent in questioning our relationships - whether human-to-human, human-to-architecture, human-to-landscape, human-to-technology, or human-to-institution. As we contemplate the reality of our experience and confinement versus the illusion of the experience, we realize that both are shaped by emotion, memory, and desire. Our interpretation of space and relationships changes as our interactions and beliefs progress with time.